Thursday, March 5, 2020

50 Things to Do While You Wait for Your Food Delivery

50 Things to Do While You Wait for Your Food Delivery Image via 5. Do a load of laundry You have time now since you don’t have to cook. 6. Order more food Just don’t let the delivery guys come to your door at the same time. That’s just awkward. 7.  Prank your roommates Take everything in their rooms and move it exactly one inch to the left. 8. Rearrange your furniture Can you say feng shui? 9. Contemplate the meaning of the universe Did the chicken really cross the road? Image via 10. Take a shower Make sure you have clothes on before you answer the door. 11.  Tweet the Pope Is he hungry too? Invite him over for dinner. 12. Eat a snack You have to do something about that hunger while you wait for your food to arrive. 13. Visit Kill some time with the most random websites you will ever come across. 14. Bury your ex’s belongings You’ve been meaning to get rid of that junk anyway. 15.  Teach your dog to talk Can he say “pizza?” Image via 16. Paint your nails Bonus points if you add a cute lil’ design. 17. Find a Halloween costume Dress up as the food that you’re having delivered. 18. Try to translate the Constitution to Pig Latin Don’t cheat by using the internet. 19. Stare dramatically out the window until your food arrives Play your favorite slow, moody song as background music. 20. Fill up your shopping cart online and then empty it You can’t actually afford to buy anything because of the food you just ordered. 21.  Prank call a family member “Is your refrigerator running?” Image via 22. Check your bank account Make sure this food purchase didn’t put you below $0. 23. Color-code your closet If your clothes don’t look like a rainbow, are you really organized? 24. Practice saying the alphabet backward ZYXW … uh … what’s after that? 25. Burn old CD’s to your laptop Relive your middle school edgy days. 26.  Binge-watch a TV show How many episodes can you get through? Image via 27. Read weird celebrity facts online Nicholas Cage’s real name is Nicholas Kim Coppola. 28. Plan an imaginary vacation Hellooooo, Aruba! 29. Begin another free Hulu trial How many email addresses can you use before you finally have to pay? 30. Get into a staring contest with a squirrel If the squirrel wins, you owe him some of your food. 31. Attempt a Guinness World Record “Longest Amount of Time Spent Staring at a Squirrel.” Image via 32. Investigate your creepy basement Bring a flashlight. And maybe a bat, just in case. 33. Track your food order It hasn’t even left the oven yet. Chill. 34. Have a photo session with your pets Dress them up like the food you ordered. 35. Blast your favorite music and start a one-person rave Put on a white button-down shirt and slide to the front door. 36. Take a nap Wake up when the delivery person gets there. 37. Answer your emails Image via Your inbox is looking a little hefty. 38. Make a compilation of memes Become the next meme god(dess). 39. Rehearse what you’ll say to the delivery person when they arrive You have to include a pick-up line or it doesn’t count. 40. Start a YouTube channel Post your meme compilation and become famous. 41. Create abstract art pieces Post your work on the internet to sell it. Use the money to pay for the food you ordered. 42. Build a blanket fort Image via Bring your food inside the fort. 43. Like random pages on Facebook Share the weirdest content from the pages to creep your friends out. 44. Google search the best puns Share some with the delivery guy. Maybe he likes puns too. 45. Watch cute animal videos on YouTube Accidentally spend three hours looking at videos of baby goats. 46. Host a one-person fashion show Bonus points if you build your outfit out of random household items. Image via 47. Interpret your dreams Why did you dream about flying chicken nuggets? 48. Write a really annoying song Everybody around you will get it stuck in their head. 49. Write a poem about the food you ordered “An Ode to Domino’s Cinnamon Bread Twists.” 50. Write a list of things you can do while you wait for food to be delivered What can you add to the list?

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